"Citta prasadanam" is a sanskrit term originating from yoga sutras (I.33) meaning serene & lucid attitude/disposition (prasadanam) of the mind/consciousness (citta).
I am inviting you to the regular asana & pranayama regenerative yoga practice on selected Wednesdays 6:00-7:30pm, during which we will learn:
✧ to prepare, go into & align the regenerative asanas to support & deepen your breath
✧ to observe the relationship between body, mind & breath while practicing certain poses preparing for the specific pranayama breathing techniques
✧ to guide yourself towards ✺ a peaceful, lucid & serene state of mind ✺
The sessions will be streamed online to Dorota Kobos Yoga & Art facebook fanpage.
Sessions dates & subjects:
✦ 29th April 2020
(Ujjayi, Viloma in supine pose & preperation for seated pranayama, Bhramari IB)
✦ 6th May 2020
(Ujjayi, Viloma in supine & seated poses, Nadi Śodhana Pranayama)
✦ 13th May 2020
(Ujjayi, Viloma supine & seated, Anuloma & Pratiloma Pranayama)
✦ 20th May 2020
(Ujjayi, Viloma in supine & seated, Kapalabhati)
✦ 27th May 2020
(Ujjayi, Viloma in supine & seated, Bhastrika)
If you will be interested, there will be more dates to follow in the 2nd half of May 2020
➢ Payments:
The suggested price is 30zł per session
In case of a difficult financial situation I will be grateful for any amount you transfer to my account:
Dorota Kobos Yoga & Art
41 1050 1461 1000 0097 0708 6881
With the title: YOGA LIVE + date of the session
➢ If you would be interested I can share with you the recording of a specific session in mp4 format (for an additional 10zł per file on top of the price for participation in a session).
➠ Please prepare:
• pleasant & peaceful space for your practice
• yoga mat
• at least 2 yoga blankets or bath towels
• 2 yoga blocks or few thicker books
• yoga belt or any ca 2,5m long strap (e.g.bathrobe belt)
• access to the wall or straight vertical surface of a furniture or closed doors
• chair (specially for those of you who can’t stay seated on the floor for too long - knee/hip/ankle problem)
• yoga bolster (can be substituted by 3 rolled blankets/bath towels)
☆ See you soon