Yoga at the Dunes of the Baltic Sea

Photo: Martyna Łysy

It is the Mantra I chant every time before the yoga practice. Patañjali is the author of the first written work about yoga in theory and practice: The Yoga Sutras.

Reciting the prayer is a way to express my gratitude to all my teachers, their teachers and Patañjali the ancestor of all the yoga teachers. Yoga is a wisdom which can survive only by practicing it and sharing it with others. I am grateful to be one of the practitioners on the path of yogic education and self development and that I can inspire other people through my passion and pass it further between others. To read the full sanskrit text of the Patañjali Mantra and it’s translation click here.

Yoga in Royal Łazienki Park in Winter

Photo: Paweł Czarnecki

Home Yoga Sessions at the Dorota Kobos Yoga Studio

Memories from our Home Yoga practice from November 2016 - January 2018 at Pulawska 24B/37 in Warsaw. Feel welcome to join us and build more beautiful memories together!

Short Yoga Performances:

Yoga Boat Pose Sequence in the interior of Andel's Hotel in Lodz

How the environment influences your yoga practice?
Inspired by the interior of Andel's Hotel in Lodz and Urszula Tarasiewicz photography.

Letting the arm balance grow tall, using support of the wall.

We wrześniowo-październikowym numerze Magazynu JOGA spoglądam do czytelników z okładki (fot. Paweł Figurski).
Wewnątrz Magazynu - wywiad ze mną przeprowadzony przez redaktor Agnieszkę Passendorfer oraz sekwencja asan na “więcej luzu w barkach i biodrach“.
Zapraszam do kupna i lektury!
Zapraszam również do przeczytania
rozmowy o organizowanej przeze mnie Jogi w Łazienkach Królewskich!

In the September/October 2019 edition of
Magazyn JOGA I am greating the readers from the magazine’s cover (Phot. Paweł Figurski).
There is also an interview with me led by the editor Agnieszka Passendorfer and a yoga sequence I prepared for you dedicated to the tension release in the pelvic girdle & shoulder girdle.
The online JOGA Magazine is also sharing
conversation about my project of Yoga in Royal Łazienki Park!
